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Example: blockchain hololens

Intelligent Power Generation and Consumption Aggregator, with the active participation of the customer

The aim of the project is to research and develop technologies that will enable a group of Basque companies covering the whole value chain of the energy management process (aggregator, recharge man
Proof of concept
Eraikune Petronor

New technologies of interoperability and collaborative coordination based on Blockchain for the collaborative coordination of the industries of the Basque Country

The objective of the project EUSKATE is "generation of new knowledge based on the use and applicability of blockchain technology in the industry" .
FVEM Izertis

Next-generation fully decentralised travel and tourism distribution

The air travel distribution (booking and selling of airline tickets and related products to customers) is dominated by 4 Global Distribution System (GDS) companies.
Proof of concept
Itainnova Biztribution


The project implemented blockchain-based digital solutions in the application of the Norm EN 12195 Load restraining on road vehicles (securing forces) of obligatory compliance in the European terri
Recent deployment
Itainnova Itainnova

Blockchain for Intellectual Property Protection

The company is protecting the Intellectual Property generated inside, through a platform who offers total trazability and security for protecting all the results and knowledge created inside the co
Proof of concept
Hegan ITP Aero

Creation of a Blockchain-based solution that connects car ownership records in a given area of influence and EMEL couplet records to the same sphere of influence

By combining a decentralized Blockchain with identity verification, a unique ID can be interconnected to function as a watermark that can be assigned to all transactions of any asset.
Proof of concept

My Health My Data

MHMD is a Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action which aims at fundamentally changing the way sensitive data are shared.
Proof of concept
Cimes Lynkeus


Ptwist is a H2020 European project, whose goal is to reduce plastic waste, and promote circular economy on plastic assets.
Recent deployment
Cimes Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


CUREX is a H2020 project, that seeks to create a secure and privacy preserving system for data exchange. The CUREX Platform is composed of a number of components (tools, applications, blockchain).
Proof of concept
Cimes University of Piraeus

Full CAD dematerialization and use of HOLOLENS 2 mixed reality device

The first aim of this project was to avoid to printe technical drawings required by the workshop and also to give an nativ access of CATIA CAD files for all users by a TV-Screen.
Recent deployment
Cimes M-Tecks EAC

About Block4coop
Driving and implementing BLOCK CHAIN technology in the development of Industry 4.0

The main objective is to contribute to the digital transformation of companies from southwestern Europe and to improve their competitiveness through the use of Blockchain technology in organisations' development of Industry 4.0 by means of the provision of information, counselling and interaction services between developers and users.