Interactive catalogue: innovative Blockchain projects for European industry
This catalogue gives you access to various Blockchain technology implementation projects. It is intended to be an easy tool for discovering this new technology which has many advantages for industrial companies.
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There are 20 results for your search

At the same time, new models of contractual use are developing where static contractual relations is giving way to dynamic subscription and other related models.
Inov Abreu Avogados

With this project we intend to add value to Storywine’s innovative platform (which combines monitoring of wine production with storytelling as a powerful marketing tool) by developing a tool that a
Inov Zenithwings

Mondragon Corporación Manufacturing Project
This project analyses the challenges along the industrial value chain of companies that belong to the Mondragon Corporation industrial group.
Ikerlan Fagor Arrasate

Corporate KYC (Know-Your-Customer) - Use Case
Identified problems that project wants to solve with a blockchain approach
Inov Intellect EU

Renaissance Project
Renaissance project is an EU Innovation Action (IA) which aim is to deliver a community-driven scalable and replicable approach, to implement new business models and technologies supporting clean p
Ikerlan VUB

REN Energy Challenge
The Innov4u team presented a solution based on a marketplace so that you can buy and sell energy. Producers communicate to the market the willingness to trade for a specified period.
Inov REN

Aerospace Digital Process
Kaytek Platform is a process digitalization solution, mainly targeting manufacturing, quality, supply chain and maintenance.
Hegan Kaytek

A Global Platform For Tracking Cybersecurity Data For Connected Transport
To ensure the safety and security of all airspace users as the use of drones continues to grow, there is an urgent need to establish a framework for complex drone operations with a high degree of a
Hegan Airbus

Blockchain technology based platform, to guarantee the traceability and regulatory compliance of the subcontracting chain
The project, coordinated by INNOLAB and in which Iberdrola, Gondor Solutions, IBM and the University of Deusto have participated, is based on Blockchain and guarantees the traceability of the subco
Eraikune Iberdrola

Transparten Cold Chain: traceability of the sea container cold chain in a safe and certified way
The aim of the Transparent Cold Chain project is to monitor the status of the customer's products when they travel in sea containers, since once the products leave the customer's premises, control
About Block4coop
Driving and implementing BLOCK CHAIN technology in the development of Industry 4.0
The main objective is to contribute to the digital transformation of companies from southwestern Europe and to improve their competitiveness through the use of Blockchain technology in organisations' development of Industry 4.0 by means of the provision of information, counselling and interaction services between developers and users.